Benjamin David Ceary,North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering
There is no fear in love. When love is complete, fear is removed. It is hard to sleep when fear creeps into the mind. Images of doctors in masks trying to help suffering patients fill our thoughts. Terrible questions tease us as we lay in bed: "Will I get sick?" "Will my family get sick? "What will happen to the country?" Students and teachers alike both suffer from these fears. That is why it is so important to encourage each other.
We need to give more than facemasks to fight the sickness; we must also protect the heart. We are all human, and we all feel fear in the face of uncertainty.
I was in Hefei when the epidemic was first announced. As a newly married foreigner with a Chinese wife, this was the first time for me to celebrate the Spring Festival in China with my new Chinese family. But, a cloud of gloom hung over our celebration as we watched the news coming in from Wuhan. My American father and mother, who lives in America, called me to know if my wife and I were safe. I could hear the fear in their voices. I told my parents that there is no fear in love. I have lived in China for eight years. I have seen what the Chinese people can do when they work together. I told my family, "Don’t worry. The Chinese people will beat this sickness with the power of love."
I knew that I was not the only one suffering from the vision of a grim future. I began contacting my students on WeChat once I had arrived at North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering . I made video calls, wrote messages, sent smiling emojis and reminded my students that we must all work together to fight this sickness, we must not fear the virus, but we must learn how to fight the fear with love. Many students thanked me. I knew I was not the only one sharing this message. I saw many Circle of Friends on WeChat filled with encouraging words for China. The Chinese people and foreign friends were fighting together with love for one another.
In order to make my American friends and family more aware of China’s brave fight in the middle of the epidemic, my wife and I translated and compiled several news videos that recorded the beautiful and touching love stories that happened in Wuhan. She translated the video into English, and we emailed it to a family in the United States. They posted the video on Facebook and it is now circulating throughout the United States. In the video, a couple, a young nurse's boyfriend came to visit, they were crying in tears as they looked at each other from the other side of a glass door. Kissing and hugging through the cold glass, wearing masks, they promised each other that the first thing they would do after this epidemic was over was to register for marriage. There was another couple, a pair of doctors, who happened to meet in the corridor of the hospital. They had not seen each other for a few days and hugged each other while still wearing their protective clothing. Then they immediately returned to their respective positions at the hospital. The last part of the video shows an old woman in the hospital, writing a letter to her husband in ICU isolation every day to encourage him and to tell him not to give up. The video moved our American friends and family to tears. The beauty of standing strong in depths of adversity and stories of those ordinary people who love in extraordinary ways is powerfully moving. We are all ordinary people. We are not without fear, but we understand that love is greater than fear and suffering.
Family members are still sharing these moving love stories with friends. American friends started asking me, "What can we do to help China?"
I told them, "Love China and pray for her."
--There is no fear in love.
作者:Benjamin David Ceary
当恐惧渐渐渗入心中,让人难以入眠。脑海时常回播着新闻中的戴着防护面具的医生奋力抢救和帮助受苦病患的画面。当我们躺在床上时,那些可怕的问题取笑着我们: "我会生病吗?" "我的家人会生病吗?" "这个国家将会发生什么?" 这些恐惧感充斥着老师、学生们以及他们的家庭。这就是为什么互相鼓励如此重要的原因。
当疫情首次公布时我身在合肥。作为一名新婚的外国人,这是我第一次与我中国妻子和她的家人在一起欢度春节。来自武汉疫情防控的新闻,无疑为我们的新年庆祝氛围笼罩了一片乌云。我的父母亲也从美国打来越洋电话,询问我和妻子是否安全。我能听到他们声音中的恐惧和担忧,我安慰他们说: "爱里没有惧怕" 。我在中国生活了八年,我已经看到中国人民团结的力量多伟大。我告诉家人: "别担心,中国人民将用爱的力量战胜这场瘟疫。"
我知道我不是唯一经历这场严峻考验的人。一回到华航,我就开始通过微信联系我的学生们。我们视频通话,相互写信,并制作那些让人开怀大笑的微信表情。我只想提醒我的学生们,我们必须共同努力来抗击这场突如其来的瘟疫,我们不能惧怕这种病毒,我们必须学习如何用爱来克服恐慌。我们彼此分享感激和欢乐、关爱和鼓励,作为一名教师这是我应该做的。我也知道我不是唯一这么做的人,我看到新闻、微信朋友圈和网络上都充满了 "中国加油!武汉加油!" 的声音,我知道中国人民和各国朋友在这个艰难时刻,一起为爱共同努力着。
家人们仍在不断地与朋友们分享着这些令人动容的关于爱的故事。美国朋友开始不断问我: "我们该怎么做才能帮助中国?" 我告诉他们: "爱中国,为她祝福。"